Logic package#


Logic.utils module#

correct_text(text: str, all_documents: List[str]) str#

Correct the give query text, if it is misspelled using Jacard similarity


text: str

The query text

all_documentslist of str

The input documents.

Returns str

The corrected form of the given text

get_movie_by_id(id: str, movies_dataset: List[Dict[str, str]]) Dict[str, str]#

Get movie by its id

  • id (str) – The id of the movie

  • movies_dataset (List[Dict[str, str]]) – The dataset of movies


The movie with the given id

Return type:


search(query: str, max_result_count: int, method: str = 'ltn-lnn', weights: list = [0.3, 0.3, 0.4], should_print=False, preferred_genre: str = None, smoothing_method=None, alpha=0.5, lamda=0.5)#

Finds relevant documents to query

  • query – The query text

  • max_result_count (Return top 'max_result_count' docs which have the highest scores.) – notice that if max_result_count = -1, then you have to return all docs

  • method ('ltn.lnn' or 'ltc.lnc' or 'OkapiBM25')

  • weights

    The list, containing importance weights in the search result for each of these items:

    Indexes.STARS: weights[0], Indexes.GENRES: weights[1], Indexes.SUMMARIES: weights[2],

  • preferred_genre – A list containing preference rates for each genre. If None, the preference rates are equal. (You can leave it None for now)


  • list

  • Retrieved documents with snippet